As every year, the Estepona fair begins in the first week of July with the beginning of summer and good weather. Specifically, the 2018 Estopona Fair will kick off on July 3 and end on the 8th of this month. For this edition, we will have a concert by the artist Carlos Baute as the show’s star performance, the group of Sevillanas ECOS del Rocío, among many other performances that you can see in the program below.
Program of the Fair and Major Festivals of Estepona 2018
Tuesday, July 3
· 7:00 pm: A parade of GIANTS AND CABEZUDOS through the center of the city will announce the start of the Fair and Major Festivals of Estepona, departing from the Víctor de Serna School.
· 9:00 pm: GALA DE CORONACIÓN of the Queen and Children and Youth Ladies, at the Mirador del Cristo, with the performance of “LAS TORBELLINO DE ESTEPONA Y SU COMPIS”. Next, the PREGÓN will be read, in charge of the guitarist DANIEL CASARES. Great show of FIREWORKS.
· 00:00 hours: INAUGURATION and ON LIGHTING of the Real of the Fair by authorities, accompanied by the Municipal Band of Estepona.
· 00:30 hours: Dance with “EL MARCHENA” and “Er Guille de Triana” in the Municipal Booth.
Wednesday, July 4
· 12:00 hours: The FAIR begins at the Fairground.
· 3:00 pm: Dance with FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” every afternoon at the Municipal Booth.
· 6:30 pm: CHILDREN’S PARTY in the Municipal House, with Animation Group, Snack and Chocolate Fountain for the little ones.
· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Group of Ballroom Dances, Cabaret and Oriental Dance of the delegation of Culture, directed by MARIVÍ RODRÍGUEZ, and of the Modern, Contemporary and Flamenco Dance Group, with Claudia Ramírez “LA MARIVILLA”, in the Municipal booth.
· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.
· 00:30 hours: Performance of NOLASCO in the Municipal Booth. Free entrance.
· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.
NOTE: This day is dedicated to children, and attractions have a 50% discount.
Thursday, July 5
· 12:00 hours: The FAIR begins at the Fairground.
· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.
· 6:30 pm: FIESTA FOR OLDER at the Municipal Booth, where the traditional snack will be offered, with the collaboration of the Obrador-Pastelería LOS REMEDIOS.
· 7:00 pm: Performance of Juan VALDERRAMA in the Municipal Booth. Free entrance.
· 8:30 p.m.: Performance of the ACTIVE PARTICIPATION CENTER FOR SENIORS: Choir “LOS JUBIS” and Flamenco Dance Group of MONICA PEÑA, in the Municipal House.
· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Classical-Spanish Dance Group of the Delegation of Culture, directed by EVA ALARCÓN, and of the Modern Dance Group of LAURA PEREA, in the Municipal Booth.
· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.
· 00:30 hours: Performance of the Sevillian singer JOANA JIMÉNEZ in the Municipal House. Free entrance.
· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.
Friday, July 6
· From 12:00 to 18:00 hours: The “Horse Ride” starts at the Fairground.
· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.
· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Spanish Dance and Flamenco Group of the Delegation of Culture, directed by LOURDES BARRIENTOS, and the Classical and Flamenco Dance Group of LOURDES BAZÁN, at the Municipal House.
· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.
· 00:30 hours: Performance of the group of sevillanas ECOS DEL ROCÍO in the Municipal Caste. Free entrance.
· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.
Saturday, July 7
· From 12:00 to 18:00 hours: The “Horse Ride” starts at the Fairground.
· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.
· 7:00 pm: III DOMA VAQUERA CONTEST AND HIGH SCHOOL FOR FANS at the “Picadero de Recinto Ferial”.
· 9:30 pm: Performance of the LA MILANA Dance Studio in the Municipal Booth.
· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.
· 00:30 hours: Performance of CARLOS BAUTE in the Municipal Caste. Free entrance.
· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.
Sunday, July 8
· From 12:00 to 18:00 hours: The “Horse Ride” starts at the Fairground.
· From 12:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.: III “ENJAEZADO” COMPETITION TO LA ANDALUZA on the “Paseo de Caballos”.
· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.
· 20:00 hours: Mixed Bullfight. 6 bulls 6 from Julio Puerta’s livestock for the Rejoneador Diego VENTURA and the Matadors David F. EL FANDI and Sebastián CASTELLA will fight.
· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Latin Dance Group of the Delegation of Culture, directed by MARIBEL GARCÍA, at the Municipal House.
Undoubtedly, the Estepona 2018 Fair and Festivities become an attraction for the city where all Estepona residents can spend a quiet evening with their friends and family. From Pasión por Estepona we wish you a happy Fair and Major Holidays of Estepona 2018 with a good company of the wonderful beach for those sunny mornings.