As every year, the Estepona fair begins in the first week of July with the beginning of summer and good weather. Specifically, the 2018 Estopona Fair will kick off on July 3 and end on the 8th of this month. For this edition, we will have a concert by the artist Carlos Baute as the show’s star performance, the group of Sevillanas ECOS del Rocío, among many other performances that you can see in the program below.

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Program of the Fair and Major Festivals of Estepona 2018

Tuesday, July 3

· 7:00 pm: A parade of GIANTS AND CABEZUDOS through the center of the city will announce the start of the Fair and Major Festivals of Estepona, departing from the Víctor de Serna School.

· 9:00 pm: GALA DE CORONACIÓN of the Queen and Children and Youth Ladies, at the Mirador del Cristo, with the performance of “LAS TORBELLINO DE ESTEPONA Y SU COMPIS”. Next, the PREGÓN will be read, in charge of the guitarist DANIEL CASARES. Great show of FIREWORKS.

· 00:00 hours: INAUGURATION and ON LIGHTING of the Real of the Fair by authorities, accompanied by the Municipal Band of Estepona.

· 00:30 hours: Dance with “EL MARCHENA” and “Er Guille de Triana” in the Municipal Booth.

Wednesday, July 4

· 12:00 hours: The FAIR begins at the Fairground.

· 3:00 pm: Dance with FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” every afternoon at the Municipal Booth.

· 6:30 pm: CHILDREN’S PARTY in the Municipal House, with Animation Group, Snack and Chocolate Fountain for the little ones.

· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Group of Ballroom Dances, Cabaret and Oriental Dance of the delegation of Culture, directed by MARIVÍ RODRÍGUEZ, and of the Modern, Contemporary and Flamenco Dance Group, with Claudia Ramírez “LA MARIVILLA”, in the Municipal booth.

· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.

· 00:30 hours: Performance of NOLASCO in the Municipal Booth. Free entrance.

· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.

NOTE: This day is dedicated to children, and attractions have a 50% discount.

Thursday, July 5

· 12:00 hours: The FAIR begins at the Fairground.

· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.

· 6:30 pm: FIESTA FOR OLDER at the Municipal Booth, where the traditional snack will be offered, with the collaboration of the Obrador-Pastelería LOS REMEDIOS.

· 7:00 pm: Performance of Juan VALDERRAMA in the Municipal Booth. Free entrance.

· 8:30 p.m.: Performance of the ACTIVE PARTICIPATION CENTER FOR SENIORS: Choir “LOS JUBIS” and Flamenco Dance Group of MONICA PEÑA, in the Municipal House.

· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Classical-Spanish Dance Group of the Delegation of Culture, directed by EVA ALARCÓN, and of the Modern Dance Group of LAURA PEREA, in the Municipal Booth.

· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.

· 00:30 hours: Performance of the Sevillian singer JOANA JIMÉNEZ in the Municipal House. Free entrance.

· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.

Friday, July 6

· From 12:00 to 18:00 hours: The “Horse Ride” starts at the Fairground.

· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.

· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Spanish Dance and Flamenco Group of the Delegation of Culture, directed by LOURDES BARRIENTOS, and the Classical and Flamenco Dance Group of LOURDES BAZÁN, at the Municipal House.

· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.

· 00:30 hours: Performance of the group of sevillanas ECOS DEL ROCÍO in the Municipal Caste. Free entrance.

· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.

Saturday, July 7

· From 12:00 to 18:00 hours: The “Horse Ride” starts at the Fairground.

· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.


· 7:00 pm: III DOMA VAQUERA CONTEST AND HIGH SCHOOL FOR FANS at the “Picadero de Recinto Ferial”.

· 9:30 pm: Performance of the LA MILANA Dance Studio in the Municipal Booth.

· 10:30 pm: Dance in the Municipal House with the ALLDARA Orchestra.

· 00:30 hours: Performance of CARLOS BAUTE in the Municipal Caste. Free entrance.

· 02:00 hours: Follow the Dance with the Orchestra in the Municipal House.

Sunday, July 8

· From 12:00 to 18:00 hours: The “Horse Ride” starts at the Fairground.

· From 12:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.: III “ENJAEZADO” COMPETITION TO LA ANDALUZA on the “Paseo de Caballos”.

· 3:00 pm: FRAN CORTÉS and “EL MARCHENA” in the Municipal Booth.

· 20:00 hours: Mixed Bullfight. 6 bulls 6 from Julio Puerta’s livestock for the Rejoneador Diego VENTURA and the Matadors David F. EL FANDI and Sebastián CASTELLA will fight.

· 9:30 pm: Performance of the Latin Dance Group of the Delegation of Culture, directed by MARIBEL GARCÍA, at the Municipal House.

Undoubtedly, the Estepona 2018 Fair and Festivities become an attraction for the city where all Estepona residents can spend a quiet evening with their friends and family. From Pasión por Estepona we wish you a happy Fair and Major Holidays of Estepona 2018 with a good company of the wonderful beach for those sunny mornings.


As every year, the summer in Estepona, is loaded with activities, fairs, concerts and different workshops that make our city a tourist attraction and keeps us entertained during these hot months. This summer in Estepona 2018 will not be less, as there are numerous concerts by artists known as La Niña Pastori or Escollera Fest 2018, among others.

Keep reading to learn more about the activities that await you this summer in Estepona.

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Summer in Estepona 2018 – JULY

· Dance show Ana Guerrero: July 12 (9:30 p.m.)

· Concert by Sami James: July 13 (8:30 p.m.)


. Dance studio La Milana: July 13 (9:30 p.m.)

· 10 Wine Street Festival: From July 13 to 14 (19: 30-23: 30h.)

· Performance Manu Sánchez (The Good Dictator: July 14 (22: 15h.)

· Flamenco show of the Peña Flamenca – Dance school: July 17 (9:30 p.m.)

· Classics Week: From July 18 to 22.

· Performance of the Flamenco Dance group of the Delegation of Culture of Eva Alarcón and the group of Modern Dance of Laura Perea: July 18 (21: 30h.)

· Class of Ethnic-Jazz by Deloris: July 20 (22: 00h.)

· Ideal Click Fair for children: July 20-22.

· Monologues of Aupa and Olé: July 21 (21: 00h.)

· Garrapatea Estepona Festival with Los Asdlánticos, Tomasito, Maleantes, Jungle Band, La Dstylería and Radio Ciao: July 21 (20: 00h.)

· XXIII Book Fair in summer with Pablo Carbonell: July 26 (20: 30h.)

· Escollera Fest 2018 with La Unión, Los Toreros Muertos and XVIII Reggae Night: From July 26 to 28.

· Sergio el Duende performance: July 27 (22: 30h.)

· Concert of La Niña Pastori: July 28 (22: 30h.)

· Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of Cologne: July 30 (21: 00h.)

Summer in Estepona 2018 – AUGUST

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· Los Álamos Beach Festival’18: From August 1 to 5.

· Dance show Monica Peña: August 2nd (9:30 p.m.)

· Exhibition of the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art: August 4 (22: 15h.)

· XVIII Night of Gaditanas Copies with the groups of Sheriff, El Bizcocho and Antonio Martínez Ares: August 4 (21: 30h.)

· Freestyle Motocross Spanish Cup 2018: August 08 (22: 30h.)

· Concert by Diego El Cigala and Estrella Morente: August 10 (22: 15h.)

· 5th Jamón World Contest “Popi Ciudad de Estepona” MUSIC FESTIVAL HAM: From August 10th to 15th (7:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.)

· Concert UB40: August 16 (20: 00h.)

· Concert Kiko Poison, Do not Tell Me I Wear Flip Flops, The Jonda Pump: August 17 (20:00).

· Flamenco Festival with Farruquito, Remedios Amaya, Antonio Reyes, La Macanita, Rocío Bazán, Felipa del Moreno, Diego del Morao and Manuel Valencia: August 18 (22: 00h.)

· Benavente Theater: From August 24 to 28 (22: 00h.)

Summer in Estepona 2018 – SEPTEMBER

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· Concert of Chamber Music – Fundación García Fajer: September 2 (8:00 p.m.)

· Estepona Fashion Week’18: From 03 to 08 September (20: 00h.)

· XIX International FANTASTIC FILM Week of the Costa del Sol: From 09 to 16 September.

· Tribute to Frank Sinatra by Sana Kraynichuk: September 21 (20: 00h.)

· The Violinist’s Musical on the Roof: September 28 (20: 00h.)

We hope that with this broad summer calendar you can enjoy a pleasant summer in our city of Estepona.

Because the summer in Estepona 2018 brings many surprises and emotional concerts so that we never forget this particular summer that is presented to us.

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The inauguration of the art exhibition by the Madrid-born Urbano Galindo at Kempinski Hotel Bahía was a success. More than a hundred guests enjoyed the opening ceremony, which was attended by the artist, well known for his portraits of the aristocracy and prominent personalities.
The exhibition, consisting of 17 works, was officially inaugurated by the mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, who was accompanied by the delegate councilor of the Sociocultural Area, Blas Ruzafa, and the councilor of the Tourism Area, Ana Velasco.
The councilor referred to the commitment to the culture that is being carried out by the City Council in the city and valued the effort of Kempinski Hotel Bahía to help promote art through these initiatives.
On the other hand, Urbano Galindo showed his satisfaction for the event. In this regard, he said “it has been a real pleasure to exhibit my works in such a wonderful hotel as Kempinski Hotel Bahía in Estepona”.

He also explained the evolution of his work, stating that “during my last years and in more than three thousand portraits I have seen a transformation in my paintings-sculptures using ethereal materials, showing my spirituality, transforming my sepia-colored works, which were more classic, to works in purple, ocher and gold, which make the journey from my interior looking for the beauty of energy and harmony of the cosmos.
The exhibition, which can be visited until August 8, has been brought by LuxStyle, Fashion Luxury Consulting. It is composed of 17 sculptural and pictorial works of the artist’s new style, with works in purple, blue and gold. Among the works of this exhibition, highlight the portraits of the Sheikha of Qatar and the Chinese first lady.

Urbano Galindo is a painter, sculptor, poet and mystic. His famous portraits unite physical and interior beauty perceived in smiles and looks. His transformation goes from his sepia portraits marked by the aristocracy of the 90s to the creation of works in purple, blue and gold to sheikhs, queens and members of the current aristocracy with his painting. The sculptures of Urbano Galindo immerse the visitor and spectator in the infinity of the creator God and surround him with multicolored spirals.

It is worth remembering that the exhibition remains at Kempinski Hotel Bahia, five stars Grand Luxury, until August 8 from eleven in the morning to nine at night. It is the first show of the series of art events that will take place at the hotel throughout this year, in addition to other cultural events. For more information visit the website of Kempinski Hotel Bahía.